Av. Estados Unidos - 130 - Edf. EEUU - 9th floor - Comércio


The company was founded by three professionals from maritime agencying field. They count over 20 years of experience each one and maintain extensive network of relationships in both oil industry and government.

» Ronald Schenkels (Rony)

» Executive Director.

» Consul of Norway and Denmark.

» 29 years of experience in maritime agencying.

» Guilherme Overbeck

» Commercial Director.

» Chemical.

» 15 years in oil and petrochemical market.

» 20 years of experience in maritime agencying.

» Eduardo Fasani

» Chief Financial Officer.

» Business Manager.

» 20 years of experience in maritime agencying.


The Bahia Tankers Agência Marítima LTDA is the first agency to be NR 20 certified in Bahia. The agency is focused on the representation of ship owners, charterers and / or operators in the ports where the agency is located, thus supporting the operations of naval trade developed by its clients. Bahia Tankers keeps offices in the states of Bahia and Pernambuco. Chemical products are the specialty of Bahia Tankers.


Establishing strong partnerships, adding value to our clients businesses.


Being recognized as the best tank vessels agency in Brazil.


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Check out the map with the areas of expertise in ports and terminals for Brazil.



Below please note some information regarding vessel’s call at Aratu Port:

1 – Aratu Port photo:

2 – Berth information and restrictions:

TGL/North – Liquid Terminal
a - Max depth: 12.00 m.
b - Max loa: 220.00 Mtrs.
c - Max beam: none.
d - Max DISPLACEMENT: 80.000 Mt.
e - Max air draft: none.
f - Berthing side: Port side/Starboard side (Starboard isrecommended).
g - Bunkering operations: Not allowed.
h - Salt water density at berth: 1,023 g/ml.
i - Official Anchorage: Salvador anchorage.
j – Depth on channel: 18 mtrs.
k - Berthing priority: Anchoring time to be considered.
l – Fresh water supply/garbage removal/slops discharge availablealongside.

TGL/South – Liquid Terminal

a - Max depth: 12.00 m.
b - Max loa: 200.00 Mtrs.
c - Max beam: none.
d - Max DISPLACEMENT: 40.000 Mt.
e - Max air draft: none.
f - Berthing side: Port side/Starboard side (Portside isrecommended).
g - Bunkering operations: Not allowed.
h - Salt water density at berth: 1,023 g/ml.
i - Official Anchorage: Salvador anchorage.
j – Depth on channel: 18 mtrs.
k - Berthing priority: Anchoring time to be considered.
l – Fresh water supply/garbage removal/slops discharge availablealongside.

TPG – Gas Terminal

a - Max draft: 12.00 m.
b - Max loa: 267.00 Mtrs.
c - Max beam: none.
d - Max DISPLACEMENT: 90.000 Mtons.
e - Max air draft: none.
f - Berthing side: Port side/Starboard side (Portside isrecommended).
g - Bunkering operations: Not allowed.
h - Salt water density at berth: 1,023 g/ml.
i - Official Anchorage: Salvador anchorage.
j – Depth on channel: 18 mtrs.
k – Fresh water supply/garbage removal/slops discharge availablealongside.

3 – Port Security Level: 1


1 – Trapezoid Lat 12º 55’ 70” S Long 038º 32’ 88” W
Lat 12º 55’ 70” S Long 038º 31’ 46” W
Lat 12º 56’ 95” S Long 038º 31’ 46” W
Lat 12º 56’ 35” S Long 038º 32’ 88” W

For vessels under 10 mtrs draft , for bunkering and/or small repairs and/or crew change.
Pilotage is not mandatory .

2 – Triangle Lat 12º 56’ 70” S Long 038º 32’ 88” W
Lat 12º 58’ 47” S Long 038º 32’ 88” W
Lat 12º 57’ 20” S Long 038º 30’ 89” W

For vessels under 10 mtrs draft, anchorage waiting for berth available.
Pilotage is not mandatory .

3 – Trapezoid Lat 12º 58’ 47” S Long 038º 33’ 16” W
Lat 12º 58’ 47” S Long 038º 34’ 92” W
Lat 12º 55’ 98” S Long 038º 35’ 58” W
Lat 12º 56’ 62” S Long 038º 33’ 16” W

For vessels over 10 mtrs draft , for bunkering and/or small repairs and/or crew change .
Pilotage is not mandatory .

Note: If vessels come from port to anchorage area (after operation load or discharge), pilot is mandatory. (For Bunker, crew change, small repairs, etc…).
If you need any additional information please contact us!



I – Commercial Quay - Dock I – Shed 1 & 2

Max displacement: 50,000 tons
Depth: 8 m (26,24 ft)
LOA: 383,60 m
Mooring dolphins: 15, spaced by 25 meters
No shore crane available

II – Commercial Quay - Dock II – Shed 3 & 4

Max displacement: 50,000 tons
Depth: 9,20 m (30,18 ft)
Shed 3: 9,20 m (30,18 ft) – Shed 4 8,70 m (28,54 ft)
LOA: 300 m
Mooring dolphins: 10, spaced by 30 m
Shore crane: 3,20 tons

III – Commercial Quay – Shed 5 to 8

Max displacement: 50,000 tons
Depth: 8 m (26,24 ft) to 9,30 (30,50 ft)
Shed 5: 9,30 m(30,50 ft) - Shed 6 to 8: 9,30 m(30,50 ft)
Shed 6 to 8 using pontoons (4x4 m) : 10,00 m (32,80 ft)
LOA: 776 m
Mooring dolphins: 32, spaced by 30 m (shed 5) and 25 m (shed 6 to 8)
Shore crane: 3,20 and 6,3 tons
Unloader: 150 tons/hour

IV – Connection Quay - (Under Tecon´s administration)

Max displacement: 84,000 tons
Depth: 12 m (39,37 ft)
LOA: 240 m
Mooring dolphins: 8, spaced by 30 m
V – 12 Meters Quay
South End - (Under Tecon´s administration)
Max displacement: 84,000 tons
Depth: 12 m (39,37 ft)
LOA: 210 m
Mooring dolphins: 7, spaced by 30 m
The following equipments are available at Tecon´s Terminal (containers and general cargoes):
Mooring "cribs": 2
Main equipment: 2 portaineres
2 transtaineres
1 electric gantry crane for 32/40 tons
1 electric gantry crane for 12 tons
1 electric gantry crane for 6.3 tons
5 stackers "reach-stacker"
2 stackers "top-loader"

North End

Max displacement: 84,000 tons
Depth: 12 m (39,37 ft)
LOA: 165 m
Mooring dolphins: 7, spaced by 30 m


1 – Geographic Coordinates:

Latitude: 13º 00" 37 S - Longitude: 38º 35' 00

2 – Location:

In the Baía de Todos os Santos, between the Ponta do Monte Serrat, to the north and the Ponta de Santo Antônio, to the south.

3 – Local Time:

GMT - 3 h

4 – Navigations Conditions: Nautical Charts 1101 and 1102 (Brazilian Navy Department)

5 - Tide Amplitude:

Maximum of 2.50 meters

6 – Access Channel: It has two canals. The first one called internal canal, on the side of the city, minimum depth of 8 meters and a second one called external canal, along the Itaparica Island, of which the depth varies from 13 to 55 meters.

7 – Anchoring Area:

Width 700 meters - Depth varying from 9 to 12 meters.

8 – Main managed products:

Petrochemicals, iron products, granite, celulose, fruits, sisal, vehicles, cooper (bobbins or carhodes), Weat grains, fertilizers, chemical products, food, projects and equipments, vehicles, malt and etc.


1 – Berthing informations and restrictions

Recife Port restrictions

A – Max draft (hydrographical tide zero): 9,50 mts from OCT up to APR)9,60 mts from APR up to SEPT)
B – Max lenght: 235,00 mts
C – Max beam: 35 mts
D – Max air draft in port: none (at Bulk sugar Terminal – 11,0 mts)
E – Berthing side: port side or stbd side
F – High tide is variable as per Recife Tide table.
G – Bunkering operations: available (by Barge IFO/MDO)
H – Salt water density : 1,017/1,018 g/ml
I – Official anchorage: Two miles from breakwater
J – Depth at channel: please see max drafts item “A”
K – Berthing priority: Arrival/Anchoring time to be considered
L – Fresh water supply: available only by tank trucks (Private Compánies)
M – Garbage/sludge removal: Yes.

2 – General informations.

Pre-arrival informations

A – Five days before vessel’s arrival for Customs System accomplishment inorder to avoid fines.
B – Health authorities should be received by agents documention to issue Free Pratique 48 hours before vessel’s arrival – Free Pratique should be granted by radio or on board after vsl inspections.
C – Ship’s holds to be duly labeled on berthing in case of discharging operations.
D – Ship’s crane and gangway to be used on vessel´s operations at port.

Berthing regulations (with day light):

Vessel’s with bow thruster Vessel’s withtout bow thruster
Maximum Loa 235,00 mts 235,00 mts
Minimum Tug boats 2 2

Berthing regulations (night time)

Vessel’s with bow thruster Vessel’s withtout bow thruster
Maximum Loa 190,00 mts 190,00 mts
Tugs to be used 2 2

Out of the regulation stated above, maneuvering only with day light, with Harbour Master/Dock Co. approval.
Max DWT permitted: 55,000 mtons.

Main cargoes movement:

Discharging Breakbulk vessels: Fertilizers, Petcoke, Wheat Malt in bulk, Reel coils and, General cargo Discharging by Ro-Ro vessels: Vehicles, Cars, Cranes, Bulldozers, Project cargoes

Loading: Bulk sugar (loaded by conveyor belt at Sugar Terminal), Bagged sugar using Vessel´s cranes at normal berthings, with crop (2013/2014) commencing on first week of September up to March.


1 – Berthing informations and restrictions

PGL1-A/B – Tequimar/Pandenor/Temape Terminals
A – Max draft: 13,50 mts
B – Max load: 145,00 mts
C – Max beam: none
D – Max air draft: none
E – Berthing side: port side/stbd side
F – Bunkering operatons: available (by pipeline/Barge)
G – Salt water density: 1,025 g/ml
H – Official anchorage: Lat 08deg23min 05sec S – Long 034deg56min05sec W
I – Depth at channel: 16, 5 mts
J – Berthing priority: Arrival/Anchoring time to be considered
K – Fresh water supply: available alongside.
L – Garbage/sludge removal: not allowed.

2 – General informations.

Pre-arrival informations
A – Five days before vessel’s arrival for Customs System accomplishment inorder to Avoid fines.
B – Health authorities should be received by agents documention to issue Free Pratique 48 hours before vessel’s arrival – Free Pratique should be granted by radio or on Board after vsl inspections.
C – Ship’s manifold to be duly labeled on berthing in case of discharging operations.
D – Ship’s crane and gangway to be used alongside at Terminals.
E – Shore cargo hose connection to be performed by shore personnel.
F – One shore line always used : 6”/8” connection.
G – Maximum rate of discharging: 300 m3 p/hour (Tequimar Terminal) /600 m3 p/hour (Pandenor Terminal) / 470 m3 p/hours (Temape Terminal).
H – Terminal contact channel: Channel 09 (nine)

Night time berthing regulations:

Vessel’s with bow thruster Vessel’s withtout bow thruster
Maximum Loa 185,00 mts 165,00 mts
Minimum Tug boats 2 2

Out of the regulation stated above maneuvering only with day light.
Max DWT permitted: 45,000 mtons.

Suape Port Authorities contacts:

Name: Capitania dos Portos do Estado de Pernambuco
Address: Rua de São Jorge, 25 – Recife / Pe
Phone/Fax: 55 81 3424.711 / 3424.7019
Other: email: secom@cppe.mar.mil.br

Name: Federal Police - Immigration
Address: Av.Portuaria s/n – Ilha de Cocaia – Porto de Suape
Phone/Fax: 55 81 3527.1238
Other: email: depom.srpe@dpf.gov.br
Name: CUSTOMS – Suape Port
Address: Av. Portuaria s/n – Ilha de Cocaia – Porto de Suape
Phone/Fax: 55 81 3527.5810

Name: Health Authority Department - ANVISA
Address: Suape Port
Phone/Fax: 55 81 3527.1289

Suape Port Facility Security Officers – Port Security Level no. 1

Name: Mr. Sostenes L. Junior
Address: Engenho Massangana KM 10 – PE 60 – Ipojuca
Phone/Fax: 55 81 527.5191/3527.5194 – 3527.5187/3527.5064
Other: Cel.: 55 81 9644.2776

Suape Port Emmergency response and support

Name: Suape Port – Mr. Jorge Dias Pinheiro
Address: Engenho Massangana KM 10 – PE 60 – Ipojuca
Phone/Fax: 55 81 3527.5186 / 3527.5064
Other: Cel. 55 81 9976.1745

Suape Port Medical emmergency support

Name: Hospital Mendo Sampaio
Address; BR 101 SUL KM 34 S/N – Cabo de Santo Agostinho
Phone/Fax: 55 81 3521.0852

Agency Full Style

Praça do Arsenal da Marinha, 35 – sala 804
Ed. Dos Despachantes Aduaneiros – 8º. Andar.
Recife Antigo
50.030-360 RECIFE – PE – BRASIL
Tel.: 55 81 4141.5842
AOH: 55 81 8512.4705 / 9994.3747
PIC: Mr. Jorge Silva
Email: tanker.rec@bahiatanker.com.br


Contact Bahia Tankers and ask your questions!